Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects a person's ability to understand number-based information and math.
Credit: Twinkl
Dyscalculia is a learning disability that affects maths and number related concepts like bigger or smaller.
People with dyscalculia may struggle in the following areas: counting in their head need to use fingers to solve problems counting backwards understanding charts & graphs money & counting change measuring items
Dyscalculia has no impact on a person’s intelligence & with the correct strategies should not impair future choice of career. Dyscalculia is a common co-occuring condition with autism & ADHD.
Sample Accommodations:
Extra time for test & exams
Break up maths assignments & homework into smaller steps
Reduction in maths homework i.e. prove competency only
Teacher to highlight important parts of a question
Take pictures of notes/equations on whiteboard
Access to measurement & conversion guides
Separate worksheets for word & number problems
Key words & numbers highlighted Index card with formulas
Multiple choice questions
Access to a maths app to practice maths skills in a different way
Talking tape measure
Calculator Graph paper with large squares to help organise thoughts
Visual aids for problem solving
Use of paper to cover most of page, help focus on one question at a time
Access to maths vocabulary
Access to quiet area
Sensing Greatness